Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday Projects & Sport Shopping! Nov 3, 09

Sunday started off somewhat normal for a day right after a holiday. We did what we always do on days like this, SPORT SHOPPING! You heard me right, ladies lined up in front of Target before opening just waiting for that clock to hit 8 am. Doors swing open and were off running towards the Halloween section as if it was the holy-grail. It's amazingly fun to do this actually and Kristen & I have somewhat perfected our routine.  We got quite a few very nice deals. I was proud on how well we played. 

The sport was to continue at the local fabric and craft store where the Holiday fabric was to be 60% off. We knew what we wanted and what project it was for. You'll have to look for our post on Kristen's Halloween table-runner when it is finished. This trip to the store caught both of us a bit off guard. We were in for more than we thought. Two hours later and a basket full of fabric and crap each we walked out not knowing what had come over us. We had been giddy with excitement and apparently insane. In my stupor I was at least smart enough to pick up the fabric for my niece Taylor's birthday gift.  I'm making her Amy Butler's Gum Drop pillow, which is to die for might I add. That weekend we made three projects. We made the pillow, a hot pink purse to match and Kristen started on a kitty pillow we had found the free pattern for.  Lookout for Kristen's post & review for that which includes the free pattern!  Got to love free!   As for the Gum Drop Pillow, it turned out great, I have to have one now. As always you can check out my full reveiw of the pattern.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you Girls, these Look GREAT!!! Keep up the Great Work, Sewing Skills come in handy...Love Ya Both, MOM
